
Project & Community Benefits

The development aims to create direct and indirect economic benefits including:

  • Once operational, Cumnor Solar Farm will generate an annual community benefit fund worth £500 for every megawatt (MW) of export capacity on the site. Assuming an export capacity of up to 13MW, this would mean a community benefit fund with an annual value of £6,500 a year, or £260,000 over the 40-year, operating life of the solar farm.
  • Local jobs during construction available for tender – local companies will be encouraged to apply.
  • The potential for local jobs once the solar farm is operational.

Do you have ideas for how you’d like to see the Cumnor Community Benefit Fund used locally?

  • We would like to hear from individuals and local groups about their ideas for how a Cumnor Solar Farm community benefit fund could work for the benefit of the local community around the farm. We will be speaking to the local Parish Councils about how the fund might be managed and administered.
  • Please give us your thoughts by using our feedback page.
  • We will continue to meet with local groups and community representatives to seek your input as the project progresses.